Sunday, May 4, 2008

Es tut mir leid...

Bailey is flying to Los Angeles soon for company meetings...I informed her that not only did the cat approach the porch today, it let me pull off one if its hideous hunks of fur. Not that I wanted to; gag. The poor creature. But if I'd of been using my head, I would have written the sign auf Deutsch--not only can it read, but is it bilingual?! This may become a running joke, as she thought I should now try leaving it some messages around the yard...

I think I may have to make yet another blog--for family items, as I am getting all jumbly again and this page is becoming more diary-like, instead of pathetiprofessional. New word for a pathetic attempt to write like I might know sumpthin.

I have a cop friend that called this afternoon wanting to know if I'd written anymore bizarre stories this year or if I had suffered any freaky experiences for 'new influences'. Unfortunately no. I mean fortunately no! Stalkerman moved (had to move) out of the neighborhood; messiah man hasn't been kneeling in my house; "Why, I should just write about the whacked-out woman YOU had last year", I told him. Then he tells me he met a new gal last week and she turned out to be a total nut-job. Can't wait to hear more about that!
I'm beginning to that all that's out there? I know it isn't so; those of us that are mostly normal must have a teensy part of us that remains frozen in relationship fear...
Tired and sunburnt. Going to bed.


Dan Johnson said...

Pathetiprofessional? I'm right there with you but don't be so hard on yourself, your writing is is good and you know sumpthin (and you have great punktchooayshun, spelling and you use your upper case...awesome). Children of Bodom? I'm with you, one song like that is enough, I could never listen to a whole album of it. I think that's what hurt the music business... too many albums with too many songs and only one or two of them are any any good. Thank you iTunes, I can buy one or two songs of an album and leave the rest. I do like Alice in Chains but I know that "grating" feeling.

B. Diederich, there are a lot of nut jobs out there, I've gone out with a few of them. I really haven't dated anybody in 5 years, I got tired and couldn't do it anymore. I wasn't prepared for what happened next though (maybe it's because my eyes were finally opened) but I just stopped meeting anybody. I used to meet woman through baseball or friends or people trying to "set me up" (like that's ever worked) but all those avenues seemed exhausted (like me). Maybe as much as I think I'm open to it I could be frozen in relationship fear. I have quite a few female friends and sometimes I joke that I have to do all the "boyfriend work" without any of the "sweet stuff" haha. And while I'm on a roll, who are these people that always seem to have a new boy or girlfriend? Are they just settling? Does the spark of love dry up as we get older? I've dated and had girlfriends over the years/tears but I haven't been "in love" in almost twenty years... but it sure wasn't for lack of trying. Here's to hoping but I've heard that a little hope can be a dangerous thing...

B. Diederich said...

Sometimes I wonder about the whole 'in love' thing because maybe I never really knew WHAT if felt like to be in love. Perhaps I was, but that was so long ago I've forgotten? Probably what I thought was love, or what I wanted to BE love. was simply good old-fashioned infatuation--if so, what a thrilling sorrowful ride.
I'd read something before that endorphins produced by 'infatuations' are like a fix, thus even though deep down you know better, the intense want and need for that person drives away all sensible reason. You're compelled to have more!
Given the fact that my first love?/infatuation? was so entrancing and so damn believable; well that's probably the reason that I just cannot believe a word that comes out of any body's mouth. No matter how truthful or sincere a guy seems, there is a qualm that resides within me that 'it's all just a big lie' or soon will be. (#1 pet peeve: Liars.)
I guess I've heard so much bull... that inside, I shoot the person down before they say a word, while outwardly I just smile and nod complacently...(reflecting on this: I don't think I lead people on but perhaps to them my politeness appears to be interest....)Wait. Sometimes it only takes a 1/2-friendly smile to encourage the WRONG person... ....beginning to ramble... brain melt.....