Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pharmacuticals, Curls, African Babes

One morning when I went up by work, I remembered to grab my little plastic baggie of crystals that remained hidden under the sink. It'd been there forever, so it probably lost it's potency-- maybe I should mix up a new batch later today...

Mom can get Miracle Gro to induce numerous shoots/fronds/leaflets, all at freakizoid pace. Plants gone wild! Everything thrives for her; my stuff seemed to move at mediocre speed. Or stagnant speed—turtle pace.

I had my baggie of Miracle Gro to fertilize some of the many plants that greenhouse my room but it never seemed to do anything. I used it on lots of pineapple, plumeria, monkey paws, tamarind, elephant ears and other things pilfered during vacation. (If only I'd sent myself the coconut that was rooting...) but-- I'd rather use banana peels and organic stuff like fish guts than Miracle Gro, despite the smell...The problem? I haven't had any fish this summer, despite the fact that Brigg, Brett, and Shane caught over 20 5 pound catfish the other night on PEACHES, and threw them all back (whaaa).

I contemplated the Miracle Gro crystals, wishing humans could take it for hair growth-- wouldn't I love that?....SPROING! I would take it every day, just like a vitamin...SPROING!

I love wild freaky hair, the weirder the better (Many years ago during Christmas break, I tried the dredlock thing and went to a late night movie...a little girl coming out of the bathroom stall looked up at me and jumped. Sigh. I guess some people around here aren't used to it...I'll blog
about Nate and Bailey's 'getting beat up & bloody' incident later...)

This summer I'd cut off over 4 inches of hair allover right before Bailey's wedding and called mom bawling my head off... “I wanted C-C-C-CURLY hair, not WA- WA- WAVY! Curly LIKE A SPRING!!!” (Whaaa again. Sniffle.) I kept thinking it had too much weight and if I lessened the load via scissors, it would spring up like Shirley Temple, but it was just a wrong perm and I still can't get used to it... I added some blond stripes instead.

But I will never forget the time I was a little girl and all of us kids were with mom grocery shopping in Topeka. (This was back in the day when you didn't 'eat out' every time you drove somewhere-- you just bought a loaf of bread and a package of bologna...viola! Lunch was served, despite the disdainful curled lip!)

Here we are, ready to check out, all tired, whining, dragging our feet, probably begging for candy, when we became enamored by a little African-American baby seated in the cart ahead of us. It was a living dolly, with delightful boings of hair, curlylocks, very tempting to pull on them and streettcchh them out. We loved its hair and immediately began 'flirting' with and entertaining the baby, since it was quite unusual for us—no blacks in our tiny town-- and we grinned and smiled and made faces and played hide and seek with our fingers....causing it to laugh and flail its little arms...

My little brother was around 2; maybe I was in 2nd grade? I began the whispered plea—whispered, but deliberately loud enough for my siblings to hear: “Mom, please can we have baby—like that? Mom, puuullleeeaaaassee.....look at its hair... will you have a black baby?” Immediately my 3 younger siblings took up the chant, pretty quietly, but GOD, did her face turn red! She tried her best to shush us and was probably wilting with humiliation as they clamored around her, pulling at her legs....“Yeah, mom—have a black baby, c'mom, please!” “Please have a black baby—why not?”

I can only imagine the faces of the other adults in line....trying not to snicker-- “Yeah lady, explain that to your little kids...why not?” Oh what a little rat I was...!

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