Sunday, June 21, 2009

American Beauty: Flint Hills

I prepared myself for a K-State Ag class 2 weeks ago by a visit to a steep embankment and a walk across a Flint Hills pasture while Bailey’s in-laws were searching for a calf.

I think I am one of those people, who, if not careful, would waste entire lifetimes away by dreaming.

I’ve already wasted away so much of mine.

I can’t help it. I can sit down to examine a flower or a unique seed pod and while needles of soul-piercing sun race up and down my arms, I am oblivious…a minute can turn into 20…or 30… and I watch the tiny gray weevil snuffling along a stem, a minute periwinkle butterfly probing a golden peppered blossom, an alien whitegreen crab spider contemplating a dinner gnat…

Hours I waste. And yet I feel so hugely awed by the smallest and simplest of things; is it so wrong to just waste time? I adored Fairy Tales: Thumbelina sleeping in a walnut shell, images of pixies clad in petals… I could sit there forever, moving a few feet at a time, and still not SEE everything.

It had to be coincidence that American Beauty was on later…the odd boy, the strange boy with his camera, filming a dancing plastic bag, and a dead bird… Ricky says it all:

“Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in.


Why are you filming that dead bird?

Because it’s beautiful.

That was amazing.

What was amazing about it?

When you see something like that, it's like God is looking right at you, just for a second. And if you're careful, you can look right back.

And what do you see?


Is it only dead things?

No. Not at all. No, it's everywhere. You just have to be open to it.”

So its really not that crazy to be fascinated by the foot of a grebe or the claws of a snapping turtle. In honor of Father’s Day, I saw a rare scissortail this morning and I still remember our dad carefully bringing in a dead specimen. As little kids, we ooh’ed over its long feathers as he carefully wrapped and laid it to rest in the freezer…

So, I must post these few pics from Barry and Sandy’s place above their home—and remember, they do no justice to the actual beauty found with the bright fresh air and time and space…

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