Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Gumby and Pokey!

That blog I wrote under this? I failed to mention the worst part--Gumbyman sits down opposite of me EVERY time he comes in, folding his hands on the table (like churchalterprayer) and STARES. He STARES and STARES and STARES. Its enough to drive me berserk. I do my best to hunker down and duck behind whomever happens to sit in front of me, but Gumby moves about to reposition his view, so its about 20 minutes of Adult Peek-a-Boo before I've had enough and walk out. (Either that or adulteress-gossip'll begin when I find myself nearly leaning on 'ol Coach Guy or something!)
Gumby, I'm ready to Pokey your eyes out!


Dan Johnson said...

Ha! Another one.

We have some real problems here with our raccoon (as well as bear) population--the urban animal people strongly warn against allowing them in the house...probably none of my business but safety first..

B. Diederich said...

Oh, yeah, I know--he already nipped my ear when I couldn't get his bottle fast enough. His owner lives in 'Jaguar George Town'-- a really tiny gravel rd town--so its just like the country--he'll be accustomed to the woods real soon. Mogely already can climb a tree...

Our weirdo population needs controlled though.