Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Brain Waves

Written several weeks ago: I was thinking today about my lack of ambition; my vacuous eonic state of passive winter blasé and I’ve decided perhaps that I should try to wean myself back off the pain killers I started in October. {Either that or I’m missing the sun.)
I have not taken my afternoon meds. (I also missed them Friday and saw people’s faces blur and strangely twist—and that was BEFORE we went down to the bar.) So, bent over scavenging through the fridge today with my oversized ass in the air (thanks, pills, for my medicated addiction to anything sugar & the 10 extra pounds), I finally found some brew I had purchased in early fall when I was methodically taste-testing the entire beer section of the liquor store. (IN LEIU OF PAIN KILLERS, I might add.) Anyway, I found “Alley Cat” and popped one open. Ugg. Disgusting. Tasted just like alley cat. Rank. Even with tomato juice added. But meds make me taste NOTHING. Or nothing tastes right. I taste nothing except cloying metal in my mouth 24 hours a day and other strange oddities; simple foods tastes like: smoke from a firecracker, fingernail polish remover, oily garage floor, field dust, licking a rubber shoe, toadstools,any 1960’s vehicle, aluminum foil, bandaids….quite odd. And it’s hard to swallow. Physically swallow. Dry. That’s when the sugar comes into play—anything sugary creates a bizarre explosion of intense saccharine crystals so shockingly sweet it must be like crunchy honey on crack. Thus I continue to shove crap in my mouth. At least I sense a somewhat realistic taste. Sigh. It’s a catch-22. Stop the meds and I will hurt too bad to exercise (or walk or sit); be nearly pain-free, exercise but gain weight. Ugg again.
If summer were here I could mess around outdoors instead of sitting like a zombie watching ‘Toddlers in Tiaras’ or some other nonsense. One can tell I am lacking self-ambition this winter due to the sporadic inconsistency of my blogs. See, I am writing this one (and have written many mentally), but lack the motivation to open up Mozilla and type my blog password. Now that’s just damn lazy—too much work to type in a password. Go figure. Well, the weekend is over, thus I will reach for those prescription bottles in the a.m……………

TODAY!!! Laziness Update!!!
9 days ago I had a shot in my spine—yippee! It worked for 5 days, then Euphoria wore off…and I had my 2nd one this morning. “For a few moments, you’ll feel like you drank 2 beers—here’s #1!” says the nurse as she drugs my IV. “And #2!” It did! I never felt any injection in my spine either time—but whether it works or not, I am not going to take those pain killing, zombie-concocting pills anymore. I’ve stopped for 8 days and feel more human-like already! Who needs something called Cyclone (fun fun if you OD?) anyway—and I don’t have epilepsy, so why take THAT?!
LOOK! I am actually typing—and posting! And I am ready to add more details to illustration work tomorrow! And I didn’t even watch TV Sunday at all…

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