Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fresh Bread and Killer Whales

I found out this week that my son has been baking bread up in his bedroom. He had a loaf of plastic-wapped bread one day and I'd just assumed his girlfriend's mom had given it to him—but no, he'd bought supplies and a breadmaker that he'd found on sale. I had no idea—the smell must dissipate by the time I get home from work.

I was trying to find some bread recipes since I'd seen his—my cinnamon rolls are fabulously kick-butt and delicious, but I wanted something non-sweet and 'artisan'. Crusty. Hot. Mmm. (Never mind the fact that I'd put back on the 10 lbs I lost for my daughter's wedding in one tiny month—what a loser I am.)

There are tons of “No Knead Bread” recipes online which looked wonderful, but it was this awesome site with this doll-face, kick-ass, bad-ass baker that drew me in!

Damn! I was already yanking the flour from the kitchen cabinet before I finished reading the blog! If he can do it, so can I, by golly gee. I mixed up a batch but since I don't sport a tattoo, I guess I was jinxed from the start.

I could of cheated with a fine-line Sharpie like I've done in the past (it's a good way to get the idea of 'tattooing' out of a young kid's head-- “Let's DRAW one on ya for a couple days, so you can see if you'd like one or not...” You, know, get it out of their system. I've even drawn the 'twisted barb-wire tattoo' around my thigh one day out of boredom and it looked real!)

Anyway, I was bound to fail...since I've always held a vendetta against white bread (bad, bad, bad white flour!), naturally I tried to substitute way too much wheat flour. And my bread really did look decent on the outside and fairly decent on the inside, it was just a little too chewy-- think gummyworm candy—well, not quite that bad, but not that soft, melt in your mouth consistency.

So, bad-ass baker, cook on! I'll try again some other time and though I hate to admit it, I might even try 'pure white'.


SteamyKitchen said...

awww...you are too sweet! thanks for the shoutout and I'll let the bad-ass baker know.

Dan Johnson said...

That's funny about your son... I don't know if they have them in the States but there are a chain of Cobs Breads here (originally from Australia) that make the best white bread that is high fiber and low gluten...delicious and sorta guilt free.
I'm usually Squirrely bread all the way but sometimes you just can' beat white...