Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Homer Alaska has a fabulous library. While I was there, Bailey checked out a few books on baby names in her quest for a middle name. Brigham has already dubbed her baby 'Stephen' knowing full well such an irritatingly mediocre name would be totally inadequate. He's already purchased a gun for in utero 'Stephen'. Nate made some name suggestions while he moved about the kitchen installing an island he'd created out in his greenhouse/shop. A couple sticks of wood in the stove made it cozy inside. We looked through a ghastly 70's birthing book and home decorating magazines and later I picked up a bestseller to read: The Story of Edgar Sawtelle.
When my kids were babies, I went through a phase of disliking dogs. I guess I was a germaphobe or something--I didn't want them anywhere near my babies and I could hardly (if at all) put out my hand to pet one, no matter how nice they or their owners, were. This book would make a dog-hater change their mind. I can't write much about the book--don't want to dwell on sadness at the moment. Nate and Bailey's Daphne Dog helped me overcome my "anti-dogged-ness"; what a cute fluffy little hairball, and then it's temporary playmate, puppy Fergus, whom I call FurrGuy.
Daphne and I played 'sock' several times during my vacation--mainly just shaking a sock silly while it rips and tears and we bound (read: mom is on her hands and knees!) around the room rambunctiously hiding behind furniture and peeking at each other until one of us gets winded. We also went for several walks after Bailey's pots of strong coffee--either on the awesome little wooded trail across from her front window or on the beach. The weather there was a temperate 37; it snowed slightly one morning and misted, sprinkled, was sunny about 10 times a day. I couldn't get used to the sun coming up at 9:30!
I was totally thrilled that I saw my 1st grandchild move--a brief little bump near Bailey's bellybutton as she lay on the table at her doctor's office. Gotta show some pics!

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